
You can use macros in Contributor to automate frequently used commands or processes. After you record a macro, you can play it back to perform all of the steps in the macro with a single action. You can also assign a shortcut to the macro (see Changing Hot Keys), add it to the Quick Access Toolbar (see Quick Access Toolbar), or access it from the Quick Launch bar (see Quick Launch Bar).

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Note When you are working in the XML Editor, you can use the F8 shortcut to repeat your last action. This feature uses the same controller that is used when you create macros in Contributor. Therefore, only actions that are supported by the macro controller are supported for the repeat shortcut. See Playing Back Macros.

Note Although you can only repeat an action if that action is supported by the macro controller, you do not need to have assigned a macro to your action in order to repeat it. This lets you repeat occasional actions without having to spend time recording a macro.