Selecting Templates
Predefined templates are used to determine how content will look in both the source documents and the final output.
Doc-To-Help automatically assigns the default source template (D2H_NOMARGIN.DOTX) and its complementary target template (D2H_PRNOMARGIN.DOTX) after you create a new project. However, you can select different templates if you want.

The source template chosen in the Doc-To-Help interface is associated with new source documents that you create.
- In Doc-To-Help, select the Home ribbon.
From the Source Template drop-down, select the template to be used for new documents so that a check mark is added next to it.
If you want to select a template not shown in the list, click Add Template and use the dialog to choose a template file.
Note This option may also be set in the Project Settings dialog (Default Template field).
Note If you want to use the Special Formatting ribbon in your source document, be sure to select the D2H_SMAL.dotx, D2H_SMAL_A4.dotx, D2H_NORM.dotx, or D2H_NORM_A4.dotx template when creating a new document. If your source document is using a different template, and you switch to one of these four templates, the Special Formatting ribbon will not be available.

If you have an existing document and want to associate it with a different template, you can do so in that Word document.
- Open the Word source document.
- Select File > Options. The Word Options dialog opens.
- In the left pane, click Add-Ins.
- From the Manage drop-down, choose Templates, then click Go. The Templates and Add-ins dialog opens.
- In the Document template area, click Attach. The Attach Template dialog opens.
- Select a template file, then click Open.
- In the Templates and Add-ins dialog, click OK.
- Save the document.

The target template affects the look of the target you build.
- In Doc-To-Help, select the Home ribbon.
From the Target Template drop-down, select a template. A check mark appears next to the template you select.
If you want to select a template not shown in the list, click Add Template . In the dialog, select a template file, then click Open.

Note If you have a legacy Doc-To-Help project in which you were using HTML5 files and CSS, you can select the CSS in the Help Targets dialog
Note You can also create custom templates.