About Templates and Styles

In addition to Word's built-in styles and those you create, there are several styles created by Doc-To-Help that you will use because they let you create features not otherwise available in Word. You can easily identify these special styles because they all begin with the prefix C1 or C1H (e.g., C1 Section Collapsed, C1H Link Tag, C1H Popup).

Word uses template files (DOTX) whenever you create a new Word document. Depending on the template you use, various styles are already available for you. Doc-To-Help provides predefined templates to determine how your content will look and work. The name of these templates all begin with a D2H prefix (e.g., D2H_NOMARGIN.dotx) and contain both Word styles and Doc-To-Help's special styles, which you apply to content in your Word source documents. Most templates are designed for print-based outputs, while a couple are available for online outputs. In Doc-To-Help projects, there are two kinds of Word templates that you will use: source and target. See About Templates and Styles.