Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes (Central Reviews)

After closing the review process on Central for a file, the owner can open the reviewed file in Flare. Changes can be accepted or rejected as necessary.

How to Accept or Reject Tracked Changes

  1. Select Review > File Reviews. The File Reviews window pane opens.

    Note If you are using Git branching, make sure the appropriate branch is active. When closing the review process for files, dealing with tracked changes, and accepting the file back into the project, you want to be working in the correct branch so that the file changes are not applied in the incorrect branch. See Branch Activities for Git and Switching Branches.

    In the File Reviews window pane, you can see which branch a file originates from.

  2. From the File Reviews window pane, open the topic or snippet.

  3. Make sure you have changes set to be displayed. See Hiding and Showing Changes and Annotations.
  4. You can perform any of the following tasks.

    To Accept All Changes in the File

    Select Review > Accept Change > Accept All Changes.

    To Accept Single Change

    Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:

    • Ribbon Click the change you want to accept, and select Review > Accept Change.


    • Right-Click Right-click the change you want to accept, and from the context menu, select Accept [Type of Change].

    To Reject All Changes in File

    Select Review > Reject Change > Reject All Changes.

    To Reject Single Change

    Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:

    • Ribbon Click the change you want to reject, and select Review > Reject Change.


    • Right-Click Right-click the change you want to reject, and from the context menu, select Reject [Type of Change].
  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note After reviewing annotations in a file, you can delete them if they are no longer needed. See Deleting Annotations.

Note When you track changes, every change to the document—along with the user who performed the change—will be stored in the document’s markup. When a change is accepted or rejected, all markup designating it as a change is removed. When all changes in the document are resolved, they will not contain any history of changes made and can be considered ready for output.

Note By default, tracked changes are visible only in the editor in MadCap Flare, as well as in Central or Contributor (depending on the review method you are using). Tracked changes that have not yet been accepted are not visible when previewing the topic in Flare or when viewing any output generated from it. You can preserve tracked changes in PDF and Word output so unaccepted changes will appear in these outputs. See Preserving Tracked Changes in PDF or Word Output.

What’s Next?

After you accept and reject changes in a reviewed file, you need to accept the file back into Flare. See Accepting Reviewed Files.