Accepting Reviewed Files

After an individual submits files that you have sent for review, those files populate the File Reviews Inbox of your Flare project. You can close files, and then view and accept the files into the project. Once all the assigned reviewers submit all the files for a review package, and those files are accepted by the owner, the review package closes automatically. After accepting a file, it overwrites the original source file in your project. Any edits or annotations in the reviewed file become part of the source file. See Reviews and Collaboration.

How to Accept Reviewed Files

  1. Select Review > File Reviews. The File Reviews window pane opens.

  2. From the drop-down at the top of the window pane, select Inbox. It lists all the submitted files from the review package, but the files have not yet been accepted.

    Note If you are using Git branching, make sure the appropriate branch is active. When closing the review process for files, dealing with tracked changes, and accepting the file back into the project, you want to be working in the correct branch so that the file changes are not applied in the incorrect branch. See Branch Activities for Git and Switching Branches.

    In the File Reviews window pane, you can see which branch a file originates from.

    For Central reviews, a file status should be Closed before it is accepted into the project. See Closing Central Review Files.

    Also, regardless of the process you use (Central or Contributor), make sure you have accepted or rejected the changes as necessary in the files. See Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes (Central Reviews) and Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes.

  3. In the grid, select the file(s) that you want to accept. You can hold the SHIFT key to select a range, or you can hold the CTRL key to select individual items.
  4. In the local toolbar, click .

    A message opens (if there are unresolved changes), indicating that the unresolved changes will be accepted if the file is accepted. However, if a conflict exists (e.g., the original file in your project changed since the time you sent it out for review), a dialog opens to let you know of the issue. You can then take the appropriate action; you can merge the changes from the files, keep the edits from the reviewer (undoing your changes), or keep your edits (discarding those from the reviewer). See Merging Reviewed Files.

  5. Click OK. The reviewed file replaces the source file in the project.

    Also, the file is removed from the File Reviews window pane.