Previewing the Skin for a Specific Output Type

You can see how your skin settings look in each of the online output types.

How to Preview the Skin for a Specific Output Type

  1. Open a skin.
  2. Depending on the skin type, you can select one of the following in the local toolbar.
    • Preview as HTML Help Window This button is shown only if you have opened a Standard skin.
    • Preview as WebHelp Window This button is shown only if you have opened a Standard skin.
    • Preview This button is shown only if you have opened an HTML5 skin.
  3. The appropriate type of window opens, displaying sample content using your skin settings.

  4. Close the window when you are finished.

Note If you have responsive output enabled in an HTML5 skin, the preview is also responsive. If you have the responsive output disabled, the preview is static. See Responsive Web Design and Responsive Skins.

What’s Next?

Make sure that you associate the skin with the target. See Associating Skins With Targets.