Source Control Ribbon

The Source Control ribbon uses a dynamic interface. The icons that display will change depending on the source control provider your project is bound to. Additionally, the ribbon will not display if you are not using source control.



Opens the Pending Changes window pane. This displays files in the project that are pending check in (if the project is integrated with a source control application). Use this window pane to see which files you have checked out, which files have been created but not yet added to source control, which files other users have checked out, and which files are out of date. For more information see Source Control and Viewing Files With Pending Changes

Opens the Check In dialog, which lets you add the selected files to the integrated source control application.

When working in a project that is connected to source control, there may be occasions when you have files in your local copy of the project that are not yet part of the source control copy. For example, when you add a new topic in your local copy of the project, that file will not be included in the source control copy of the project until you add it.

You will see this option for all source control providers.

See Adding Files to Source Control.

Opens the Check In dialog, which lets you check files into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can check them in to source control. Checking in a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the database with the new one from your local machine. Even if others are not working on a file, it is a good idea to periodically check in files for a backup in source control.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.


Opens the Commit dialog, which lets you commit files into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can commit them to source control.

If your project is bound to Git, committing a file adds your changes to the local database. When you are ready to add your local commits to the remote repository, you can push these files to the remote.

This icon is Git-specific.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Commit dialog, which lets you commit files into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can commit them to source control.

If your project is bound to Subversion, committing a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the source control database with the new one from your local machine.

This icon is Subversion-specific.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Submit dialog, which lets you submit files into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can submit them to source control. Submitting a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the source control database with the new one from your local machine. So even if others will not be working on that file, it is a good idea to periodically submit files so that you have a backup in source control.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Perforce Helix Core.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Check Out dialog, which lets you check out files from source control.

When you need to work on any of the Flare project files, you can check them out. Checking out files means to copy the latest source control files to your local Flare project and remove the "Read Only" designation from them so that you can edit the files. A red check mark is displayed next to each file that is checked out.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server or Perforce Helix Core.

See Checking Out Source Control Files.

Opens the Lock dialog, where you can select files you want to lock. If your project is bound to Subversion, you can steal locks from another user's locked files using this dialog.

When you are working, you may want to lock the files you have modified. Locking a file does not prevent other users from modifying the file. However, no one else can commit a file that you have locked until you unlock the file.

If your project is bound to Subversion, you can steal a lock from another user if you need to commit a locked file while they are working on it. Likewise, another user can steal a lock on a file you have locked.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Perforce Helix Core or Subversion.

See Locking Files.

Opens the Unlock dialog, where you can select files you want to unlock.

If you have locked a file, you should unlock it when you are done modifying it. Other users can modify the file while you have it locked, but they cannot submit a locked file until you unlock it. To help prevent file conflicts and make sure that everyone on your team has the most current version of the file, you should unlock and submit the file when you are finished working on it.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Perforce Helix Core or Subversion.

See Unlocking Files.

Opens the Get Latest Version dialog, which lets you "get" files from source control.

After you bind a Flare project to a source control application, you can get the latest version of any of the source control files. When you do this, you are copying the most current files stored in the source control application to your local Flare project without necessarily checking out the files. This means that the "Read Only" designation will remain associated with the files until you check them out.

See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server or Perforce Helix Core.

Opens the Get Latest Version dialog, which lets you update files from source control.

After you bind a Flare project to Subversion, you can update any of the source control files. When you do this, you are copying the most current files stored in Subversion to your local Flare project.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Subversion.

See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files.

Opens the Undo Check Out dialog, which lets you reverse the check-out of the files.

If you have files checked out from source control but do not want them checked out anymore, you can use the "Undo Check Out" option instead of checking in the files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

See Reverting or Undoing a Checkout of Source Control Files.

Opens the Revert dialog, which lets you return files to their last known state.

If you have modified files from source control but do not want to keep your modifications, use the "Revert" option instead of committing the files. While committing the file would save changes to source control, reverting a file returns it to its previously committed state and does not commit any of your new changes to source control. When reverting changes made in Git, you only revert changes to the file on the branch you are currently editing. If you have a file that resides on multiple branches, copies of the file on other branches are preserved.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git, Perforce Helix Core, or Subversion.

See Reverting or Undoing a Checkout of Source Control Files.

Opens a window pane that lets you view the content and code differences for files. If you select a single file and choose this option, the differences between the local version of the file and the source control version of the file are shown. If you select two files and choose this option, the differences between those two files are shown.

You will see this option for all source control providers.

See Viewing Differences in Source Control Files.

Opens the History dialog, which lets you view the history of a particular source control file, including all of the occasions when the file has been checked in. You can then use the dialog to view the differences between older versions of the file or roll back to a particular version.

You will see this option for all source control providers.

See Viewing the History of Source Control Files and Rolling Back to an Earlier Version of a File.

Undeletes a file, allowing you to add it to source control.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server or Perforce Helix Core.

See Undeleting Source Control Files.

Refreshes the window pane so that the latest information is shown.

You will see this option for all source control providers.

Opens the Check In dialog, which lets you check all the files in the project into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can check them in to source control. Checking in a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the database with the new one from your local machine. Even if others are not working on a file, it is a good idea to periodically check in files for a backup in source control.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Commit dialog, which lets you commit all the files in the project into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can commit them to source control.

If your project is bound to Git, committing a file adds your changes to the local database. When you are ready to add your local commits to the remote repository, you can push these files to the remote.

This icon is Git-specific.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Commit dialog, which lets you commit all the files in the project into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can commit them to source control.

If your project is bound to Subversion, committing a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the source control database with the new one from your local machine.

This icon is Subversion-specific.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Submit dialog, which lets you submit all files in the project into source control.

When you are finished editing files, you can submit them to source control. Submitting a file overwrites the old copy of the file in the source control database with the new one from your local machine. So even if others will not be working on that file, it is a good idea to periodically submit files so that you have a backup in source control.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Perforce Helix Core.

See Checking In, Committing, and Submitting Source Control Files.

Opens the Check Out dialog, which lets you check out all of the files in the project from source control.

When you need to work on any of the Flare project files, you can check them out. Checking out files means to copy the latest source control files to your local Flare project and remove the "Read Only" designation from them so that you can edit the files. A red check mark is displayed next to each file that is checked out.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server or Perforce Helix Core.

See Checking Out Source Control Files.

Opens the Get Latest Version dialog, which lets you "get" all of the files in the project from source control.

After you bind a Flare project to a source control application, you can get the latest version of any of the source control files. When you do this, you are copying the most current files stored in the source control application to your local Flare project without necessarily checking out the files. This means that the "Read Only" designation will remain associated with the files until you check them out.

See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server or Perforce Helix Core.

Opens the Get Latest Version dialog, which lets you update all of the files in the project from source control.

After you bind a Flare project to Subversion, you can update any of the source control files. When you do this, you are copying the most current files stored in Subversion to your local Flare project.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Subversion.

See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files.

Opens the Undo Check Out dialog, which lets you reverse the check-out of all of the files in the project.

If you have files checked out from source control but do not want them checked out anymore, you can use the "Undo Check Out" option instead of checking in the files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

See Reverting or Undoing a Checkout of Source Control Files.

Opens the Revert dialog, which lets you return all files in the project to their last known state.

If you have modified files from source control but do not want to keep your modifications, use the "Revert" option instead of committing the files. While committing the file would save changes to source control, reverting a file returns it to its previously committed state and does not commit any of your new changes to source control. When reverting changes made in Git, you only revert changes to the file on the branch you are currently editing. If you have a file that resides on multiple branches, copies of the file on other branches are preserved.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git, Perforce Helix Core, or Subversion.

See Reverting or Undoing a Checkout of Source Control Files.

Opens the Select Remote for Pull dialog, which lets you select the remote repository from which you will download remote files. After you select the repository you want to pull from, the remote files are retrieved from the repository and downloaded to your local project.

If necessary, Flare will perform a commit before pulling your files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Pulling Files From a Remote Repository—Git.

Opens the Select Remote for Push dialog, which lets you select the remote repository to which you will upload your local commits. After you select the repository you want to push to, your files are sent to the remote repository.

If necessary, Flare will perform a commit before pushing your files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Pushing Files to a Remote Repository—Git.

Opens the Select Remote for Synchronize dialog, which lets you select the remote you want to use for a pull and push of files.

After you select the repository, Flare pulls the remote files from the Git repository and merges them with your local database. Then Flare pushes your local changes back to the remote Git repository.

If necessary, Flare will perform a commit before synchronizing your files.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Synchronizing Source Control Files—Git.

Opens a dialog that lets you view when a branch was started, committed, or merged. If there are any changes you wish to back out, you have the option to revert those changes on the branch.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Merging Branches and Reverting Branches.

Opens the Branch Management dialog, which lets you create branches, switch to (select) a different branch, and delete an existing branch.

A Git branch is a pointer to a snapshot of your changes, or you can think of it as a variation from the original or main state of your files. Adding a branch lets you create a new development area for your work (e.g., when documenting a new feature, rewriting large sections of a topic, or making structural changes). Then later, you can merge the branch into another one.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Creating Branches, Deleting Branches, Switching Branches, and Publishing Branches.

Opens the Select branch to merge dialog. This lets you choose another branch to merge with the active branch.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git.

See Merging Branches.

Disconnects the source control network so you can work offline. You can reconnect at any time.

You will see this option if your project is bound to TFS, Perforce Helix Core, or Subversion.

See Disconnecting From Source Control.

Opens the Network Settings dialog, which lets you view and modify source control network settings from Flare.

You will see this option if your project is bound to Git or Subversion.

See Modifying Network Settings.