MadCap Central Window Pane

The MadCap Central window pane (View > MadCap Central) is used to bind a project to and perform other Central-related tasks while you are working in Flare. See MadCap Central and Flare.

What You Can Do in This Window Pane

Following are the primary tasks that you can perform in the MadCap Central window pane:

  • Log In and Log Out If you have an account in Central, you are able to log in and out of your account from Flare. When you are logged in, you are able to access project properties, upload (bind) and import projects (via Git), and push project changes to the cloud. See Logging In and Out of Central in Flare.
  • Uploading (Binding) Projects You can upload a project to Central from the desktop Flare application. A copy of the project files will therefore reside in the cloud via Central, and you will be able to keep the local and cloud versions of the project synchronized using integrated source control. You will also be able to generate and publish Flare targets using Central. See Binding a Project to MadCap Central.
  • Importing Projects If another user uploads a Flare project to your MadCap Central license and you do not yet have that project on your computer, you can import it. See Importing Projects From Central.
  • Pushing Content If you are working in a dual-bound model (see Dual-Bound Projects), you will author your content in Flare and then use your third-party source control provider to synchronize your files with those from other writers. After this, you can use Flare to push those changes to Central. See Pushing in a Dual-Bound Model.

    You can also use this button to push changes in a single-bound model, although you more likely will use the Source Control ribbon. See Committing and Synchronizing (Pull, Push) in a Single-Bound Model.

  • Viewing Project Properties If you have access to a project in Central (i.e., you have been added to the project), you can view its properties in the MadCap Central window pane. This lets you see relevant information about the project, such as when it was added to Central, the amount of space it is using on Central, and the number of targets and builds. See Viewing Project Properties.
  • Removing Bindings If you no longer need your project to be bound to Central, you can remove its binding. Removing the binding from a project does not remove that project from Central; instead, it simply removes the link between Central and your local project. The project will still be available locally, but you will no longer be able to upload (push) changes from your local project to the cloned project on Central. See Removing Bindings From Projects on Central.

Buttons and Sections



[User Name]

Enter the user name (i.e., email) that you use for logging in to Central online.


Enter the password you use for logging in to Central online.

Log In

Log in to MadCap Central.

Note Logging in or out of Central in Flare does not affect your login status in Central online. This is beneficial because you do not need to open both the Central website and Flare if you only need to work in one or the other.

Log out of MadCap Central.

Refresh the active window pane.

Refreshes the window pane so that the latest information is shown.

Upload (binds) a project to MadCap Central. See Binding a Project to MadCap Central.

Remove MadCap Central binding from the current project. See Removing Bindings From Projects on Central.

Import a project from MadCap Central. See Importing Projects From Central.

Note If your project is bound to another source control provider, you must import your project using the Import Project from Source Control Wizard. See Importing a Project From Source Control.

Uploads (pushes) the latest project changes to Central. See Pushing in a Dual-Bound Model.

Opens the MadCap Central portal.

Project Properties

Displays information about the project you are working on in Flare.

  • License The name of the license where the project was uploaded.
  • Name The name of the project.
  • Description The project description (if applicable).
  • Created On The date the project was added to Central.
  • Last Modified The last time you pushed changes to the project to Central.
  • Source Project Storage Usage The total size of the project’s source files.
  • Total Project Storage Usage The total size of the project’s files (source plus output).
  • Total Targets The number of targets in the project.
  • Total Live Builds The number of builds for this project that are currently set to “Live” in Central (i.e., the builds are published so that the public can see the output).
  • Total Builds The number of builds for this project.
  • Builds Storage Usage The amount of storage in Central used by builds.

Note You will only see a project's properties in the MadCap Central window pane if the project is bound to Central. Otherwise, you will see a message asking you to download an existing project from Central. See Importing Projects From Central.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note For more information, see the MadCap Central online Help:
