
If users enter search phrases in your online output and those phrases are not returning results, you can make improvements to your output so that, in the future, users are able to find the search results they need. One way to enhance your output is to create synonyms for search phrases.

You can determine what search phrases are being used in your output by using MadCap Central Analytics. See Central Analytics.

Example You view search keyword results from end users and find that many are entering the search term "sofa." Unfortunately, you have not used that word in your project, so users are unable to find the topics that they need. However, you have used a similar word, "couch." Therefore, in the Synonyms Editor, you enter "couch" as a synonym for "sofa." The next time a reader enters "sofa" as a search keyword, topics containing the word "couch" will be returned in the results.

Note Synonyms are not supported in Elasticsearch.

Note Depending on the browser being used, the cache may need to be cleared in order to see the synonym results.

Note If you create micro content, synonyms can help display the best search results. The search engine looks at the micro content phrases and alternate phrases that you have added to a file, but it also considers any relevant synonyms. See Micro Content.