Publishing to Zendesk

After you have completed the other tasks for publishing to Zendesk (i.e., reviewing best practices, installing MadCap Connect for Zendesk, configuring the TOC, creating a destination file), you can complete the following steps to build to generate output files and copy them to Zendesk. You must be an Administrator or Team Leader in Zendesk to publish output to Zendesk.

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How to Publish to Zendesk

Following are steps for copying output files to Zendesk. For more information, and other parts of the process, see Zendesk Publishing.

  1. (Optional) If you want to publish multimedia files to Zendesk, make sure to allow this in Zendesk:
    1. In Zendesk, go to Settings > Guide settings.
    2. Under the Security section, select Display unsafe content.
    3. Click Update.
  2. In Flare, open your Clean XHTML or skinless HTML5 target. In the Target Editor, select the General tab and in the Primary TOC field, choose the table of contents you are using for Zendesk. See Associating a Primary TOC With a Target.
  3. On the Publishing tab, select the destination file you created for Zendesk. See Associating Destination Files With Targets.
  4. (Optional) On the Advanced tab, select the Content to include drop-down. Then select one of the options to limit the files included in the output. You can include files linked directly or indirectly from the target, or you can include only files linked directly from the TOC. See Including Specifically Linked Content.
  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

  6. In the local toolbar of the Target Editor, click Build.

  7. After the build successfully completes, click Publish.

  8. When the publish is completed, review your content in the Zendesk Help Center.

Note During the build and publish processes, you may see messages in the Compile Status Column of the Builds window pane about category and section translations. These messages are a function of the Zendesk publishing process, and are displayed even if there are no translated files. These messages are also displayed in the build log when the publish is completed.

What’s Next?

Installing Zendesk Themes