Adding Condition Tag Set Files

A condition tag set is used to hold condition tags you create for your project. Flare's factory templates may provide you with an initial condition tag set, which contains different condition tags (depending on which template you select) to help get you started. You can create as many additional condition tags as you want for that condition tag set. However, if for some reason you want more condition tag sets to hold even more condition tags, you can easily add them. Any condition tag sets that you add can be used in the same project and in the same outputs (e.g., if you have 18 condition tag sets, you can use conditions from all of those 18 condition tag sets in the same output generated from a project).

A condition tag set file has an .flcts extension and is stored in the Project Organizer under the Conditional Text folder.

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How to Add a Condition Tag Set File

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Ribbon Select Project > New > Condition Tag Set.
    • Right-Click In the Project Organizer, right-click on the Conditional Text folder and from the context menu select Add Condition Tag Set.

    The Add File dialog opens.

  2. In the File Type field at the top, make sure Condition Tag Set is selected.
  3. In the Source area, choose to create the new file based on a template or an existing file.
    • New From Template Choose either a factory template file or one of your own custom template files as a starting point. The new file will take on all of the settings contained in the template. If you want to use the factory template provided by Flare, expand the Factory Templates folder and click on a template file. If you want to use your own custom template file, expand the appropriate folder and click on a file. See Templates.
    • New From Existing Choose an existing file of the same type as a starting point for your new file. As with template files, your new file will take on all of the settings contained in the file you select. To use this option, click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options., use the Open File dialog to find a file, and double-click it.
  4. (Optional) If you want to place the file into a subfolder previously created in the Content Explorer or Project Organizer, in the Folder field click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. and select the subfolder. Otherwise, keep the default location. See Creating Subfolders.
  5. In the File Name field, type a new name for the condition tag set.
  6. (Optional) If you want to apply condition tags to the file, expand the Attributes section at the bottom of the dialog. Next to the Condition Tags field, click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. and select the conditions you want to apply. Click OK. See Applying Conditions to Content.
  7. (Optional) If you want to apply file tags, expand the Attributes section at the bottom of the dialog. Next to the File Tags field, click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. and select the file tags you want to apply. Click OK. See Associating Tags With Files.
  8. Click Add. The condition tag set is added to the Conditional Text folder in the Project Organizer. The Condition Tag Set Editor opens to the right, with the page for the new condition tag set shown. Flare provides you with some condition tags to help get you started.

Note Condition tags are not supported if you are generating a target using the DITA output type, in the sense that you cannot include or exclude condition tags for that DITA output. Therefore, when you open a DITA target, the options in the Conditional Text tab are disabled. However, DITA-specific condition tag attributes are preserved in Flare when you import from DITA; the DITA attributes are converted to condition tag sets in Flare. In fact, you can create custom condition tag sets in Flare that can be useful when you generate DITA output from Flare. You simply need to make sure that the condition tag sets follow the established DITA naming conventions for those attributes: condition tag sets can be named "audience," "product," "platform," "props," and "otherprops." When you generate the output, the condition tag sets are converted to the appropriate DITA attributes.

What’s Next?

Now that you have added a new condition tag set, you can create condition tags for it. See Creating Conditions.