FAQ Proxy

The FAQ proxy lets you generate a list of phrases and responses for the selected micro content file(s) in most outputs. Results are static, based on specific criteria selected when the target is built, not on the search engine output. This type of proxy is ideal for including traditional FAQs, but it can be used for other purposes as well.

For many more details about Flare's micro content proxies and containers, their possible uses, and how they compare with each other, see Micro Content Containers and Proxies.

How to Insert an FAQ Proxy

  1. Open a topic or template page.

    If you want the micro content to display in multiple topics, you will usually want to insert the proxy into a template page so that it is automatically used by many (or all) topics (see Template Pages). However, you can insert the proxy into an individual topic if you want (see Opening Topics).

  2. (Optional) If you want to position the micro content results in a particular on the page (e.g., right side), you might consider creating and inserting a responsive layout, with the proxy inserted into the appropriate cell. See Responsive Layouts.

  3. Select Insert > Proxy > FAQ Proxy.

  4. (Optional) In the Proxy Title field, you can enter title text, which is displayed at the top of the micro content.

  5. If you have added an FAQ skin component to your project and want to use it to control the look of the micro content container, you can select it from the Skin File field. See Editing Skin Settings and HTML5 Skin Styles.

    If you do not select an FAQ skin component in this field, Flare uses the first one it finds in your project (if one exists). Otherwise, Flare uses the settings in your main HTML5 skin.

  6. If you have created a separate stylesheet for micro content purposes, you can select Allow micro content stylesheets (see Single-Sourcing Micro Content Using Styles). Otherwise, your main stylesheet will be used.

  7. Click the What micro content to include drop-down, and select one of the options.

    • All micro content files Every phrase from all of your micro content files may be included.
    • Specific micro content files In the drop-down(s), choose one or more micro content files. Every phrase from those files may be included.
    • Micro content with meta tags In the additional drop-down(s), choose specific meta tag names and corresponding values. Micro content phrases that match may be included. For more details, see Meta Tags.

      Note When you use this option with an FAQ proxy, make sure you also apply the meta tag values to the appropriate micro content phrases in your micro content files. That is how Flare knows which micro content responses to display in the output.

  8. Click the How micro content is included drop-down, and select one of the options.

    • All micro content Every micro content phrase meeting the criteria from the first filter may be included in the results.

    • Filtering by topic meta tag value In the additional drop-down(s), choose the meta tag name associated with the micro content phrase, and then the matching meta tag name associated with the topic. These might be identical but don’t need to be. Micro content phrase/response combinations will be included according to this input.

      Note When you use this option with an FAQ proxy, make sure you also apply the meta tag values to the appropriate micro content phrases in your micro content files. That is how Flare knows which micro content responses to display in the output.

  9. If you want the micro content to be displayed alphabetically according to the phrase, select Sort phrases in alphabetical order.

  10. Enable Generate FAQ structured data if you want Flare to add code to the <head> tag for appropriate topics in the output.

    This makes it possible for the micro content to be included as an FAQ rich result on a Google search page. In other words, it has the potential to be a unique object separate from the rest of the regular search results. Keep in mind that these results are at the discretion of Google and not guaranteed.

    This option is possible for the FAQ proxy, but not for the Knowledge or Promotion proxies. The reason for this is that the micro content from an FAQ proxy is compiled at build time (i.e., when you generate the target). The micro content for the Knowledge or Promotion proxies isn't compiled until action takes place in the output, and the search engine decides the content to display.

    Example You create some output about dogs, including an FAQ proxy on the Home page that displays some FAQs.

    Of course, this will always display in your own output when you open the topic. However, you might also be able to turn this FAQ content into a rich result on Google itself.

    If you enable Generate FAQ structured data in the FAQ proxy, you can see code added to the <head> tag when you view the page source.

    When a user performs a search on Google, this structured data makes it possible (though not definite) that Google will display your FAQs as a rich result on a search page.

    For more information, see the Google developer website: 

  11. Click OK. The proxy is added.
  12. Click Save the active file. to save your work.