Choosing a Translation Memory Database

You need to choose which TM databases you want to use for a particular project. You can choose one or more databases per project.

How to Choose a Translation Memory Database

  1. Make sure you have created at least one TM database. See Creating a Translation Memory Database.
  2. Select the Resources ribbon. In the Translation Memory section, select Choose TM.

    The Manage Translation Memory dialog opens.

  3. Next to each TM in the grid that you want to associate with the project, click Use.

    You can also use the dialog to do any of the following:

    Add/Remove Translation Memory Databases in the Grid

    If you have additional TM databases that are not shown in the grid, you can add them. Click Add and from the drop-down select one of the following:

    • Local Select this option if you want to use SQLite for a local TM database. This option opens a simple dialog that lets you give the new database a name and choose where to store it. By default, the location for SQLite databases is in Documents\Lingo Translation Memories on your computer. However, you can choose a different location if you like.
    • Server Select this option if you want to use SQL Server Express for a TM database to be stored on a server. This opens a dialog with fields for the name, server, and security information related to the database.

      Note If you do not already have SQL Server Express installed and you try to install a server termbase or server translation memory, Lingo will prompt you to install SQL Server Express 2012. This version of SQL Server Express is supported on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2,. However, it is not supported on Windows 8. If necessary, you can manually install another version of SQL.

      To download and install the latest version of SQL Server Express, go to:

      Note In order to create a server translation memory or termbase, you must have both db_datareader and db_datawriter roles , or you must have the dbcreator role. This is set in your SQL management tool.

      In the following user mapping image, the user has both db_datareader and db_datawriter selected:

      In the following server role image, the user has dbcreator selected:

    In addition, you can remove TM databases from the grid if you do not want to see them. This does not delete the databases altogether; it simply removes them from the interface. To remove a TM database, select the row in the grid and click Remove.

    Example The following shows how you might add or remove TM databases:

    Create New Translation Memory Databases

    You can also create new TM databases. This is different from the option to add databases. Adding a database simply makes sure a TM that already exists is shown in the grid so you can select it. On the other hand, creating a database builds a brand new database, adds it to the grid, and automatically selects the Use check box so that it will be associated with the project. To create a new TM database, click Create and select Local or Server, depending on whether you want to create a SQLite or SQL Express database, respectively. Then complete the fields in the appropriate dialog. See Creating a Translation Memory Database.

    Example You are creating a new Lingo project and you already have one local TM database that you plan to use.

    However, you want to create an additional local database to use in the project. So you select Create and select Local.

    The New Local Translation Memory Database dialog opens. You give the database a name and keep the default location where it will be stored.

    When you are finished, the new database is shown in the grid and the Use check box is automatically selected.

    Rank Translation Memory Databases

    You can apply a rank to your TM databases or change their existing ranks. Higher-ranked TM databases will take priority in translation suggestions and are used first when applying a TM to the entire project. Select a rank for the database in the Rank column.

    See Ranking Translation Memories.

    Note You can only rank enabled TMs. The Rank drop-down is disabled if a TM is not selected for the project.

    Edit Translation Memory Databases

    You can open any TM database in the grid to edit it in the Translation Memory Editor. To do this, select the row in the grid and click Edit TM. See Editing a Translation Memory Database.

    Delete Translation Memory Databases

    You can delete a TM database by selecting the row and clicking Delete. This not only removes the TM from the grid, but it deletes it entirely.

    Import TMX Files

    If you already have a Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) file containing translations, you can import it into any of the TM databases shown in the grid. To do this, select the database in the grid, then click Import. Complete the fields in the dialog and click Start Import. See Importing TMX Files.

    Example You are creating a new project and you have created a new TM database. The new database is obviously empty. However, you have a TMX file with lots of translations, and you want the new database to have these translations. So with the database selected in the grid, you click Import.

    Finally, you would use the dialog that opens to find and select the TMX file to import.

    Export TMX Files

    If you have a termbase file in Lingo, you can export it into a Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) file to share with others or to save for later. To do this, select the database in the grid, then click Export. Complete the fields in the dialog and click Start Export. See Exporting Translation Memory Files.

    Specify Access

    In the grid listing TM databases, there is a drop-down field to specify the access rights for each database. There are options for Read & Write, as well as for Read Only. By default all databases are set to Read & Write, which means they can be altered once they are loaded into the Lingo project. However, you can change any of the databases to Read Only access if you want. In order to switch to Read Only access, the Use check box must first be selected for that database.

    Example You are connecting your new Lingo project to four different TM databases, like this:

    You want to receive translation suggestions from all of the databases. However, when you confirm new translations and upload them to TM, let's say you only want to upload them to the database called "Local1." Therefore, even though the Lingo project will be connected to all four databases, three of them should be set as Read Only, and Local1 should be set to Read & Write.

    Note You can only specify access rights for enabled TMs. The Access drop-down is disabled if a TM is not selected for the project.

  4. Click OK.

Note You can also choose a TM when creating a new project. See Creating Projects.

What’s Next?

After choosing a TM, you can use it to translate your project. See Applying Translation Memory Suggestions.