View Ribbon

Various options are available in the View ribbon for opening interface elements.



Opens the Content Explorer, which is one of the most-used elements in the Flare interface. The Content Explorer, just as it sounds, is used to hold all of the content-related items in your project. See Content Explorer.

Opens the Project Organizer, which is one of the most-used elements in the Flare interface. The Project Organizer, just as it sounds, is used to hold all of the project-related items in your project. See Project Organizer.

Opens the File List window pane, which lets you view all of the content files in your project in alphabetical order. You can limit the files that are displayed by using the file type filter. For example, if you want to see only your image files, you could select the "Image/Media Files" option from the Filter drop-down list. You can also perform certain tasks from this window pane, such as opening files, applying condition tags, and applying stylesheets. And because you can select multiple files from the list, you can perform these tasks for all of the selected files at the same time. See File List Window Pane.

Opens the Source Control Explorer. The Source Control Explorer is used to view and manage source control-related files and settings for your project. See Source Control Explorer.

Opens the Builds window pane, which is used to display targets as they are being generated. See Builds Window Pane.

Opens the MadCap Central window pane. From there, you can log in to your MadCap Central account. You can also perform tasks related to Central while you are working in Flare. See MadCap Central and Flare and MadCap Central Window Pane. 

Opens the Start Page, which provides links to high-level tasks and information. See Start Page.

Opens the Messages window pane, which displays important information as you work. For example, if a necessary file is missing, this window pane lets you know.

Opens the Backups window pane so that you can see the files for which you have created backups and restore (roll back) any of those files if necessary. See Backups, Viewing Backup Files, and Restoring Backup Files.

Opens the Preview window pane, which shows a preview of the open topic, snippet, or template page. The Preview window pane is dynamic, allowing you to keep the preview open while you work and see changes as you make them in the XML Editor. Initially, the window pane opens as a floating window. This can be quite useful if you are working with dual monitors, because you can drag the Preview window pane to one monitor while editing the topic in the other monitor. However, you always have the option of docking the Preview window pane to the interface.  See Preview Window Pane and Previewing Topics.

If you click the down arrow, you can choose a target; otherwise, the preview opens according to the settings in the primary target (e.g., with the appropriate conditions already applied).

Opens the Glossary Terms window pane, which you can use to see all of the glossary terms and definitions that you have added to the project. You can double-click the terms in this window pane to insert them as links. See Inserting Glossary Term Links.

Opens the Index window pane, which is used to create index keywords and insert them into topics.See Index Window Pane.

Opens the Concept window pane, which is used to create concepts and insert them into topics.

Opens the Link Viewer window pane, which is used to view other files linked to and from the active file. See Viewing File Links.

Opens the Footnotes window pane, which lets you see all of the footnotes that have been added in the active topic. See Viewing Footnotes in Topics.

Opens the Frame Contents window pane, which lets you add content to the selected frame in a page layout. See Editing Pages.

Opens the External Resources window pane, which lets you work with external resource files that you want to bring into your projects. See External Resources Window Pane and External Resources.

Opens the SharePoint Explorer, which lets you connect to a SharePoint server and work with files that you want to bring into your projects. See SharePoint Explorer and SharePoint Integration.

Opens the Contributions window pane, which lets you see documents received from contributors that are pending acceptance. See Viewing Contribution Files and Accepting Contribution Files.

It also lets you see a list of contribution templates that you have created and send them to others. See Viewing Contribution Templates and Sending Contribution Templates.

Hides or shows special information pertaining to the editor or window pane.

Opens or closes the status bar at the bottom of the program window.