Editing Target Settings

Using the Target Editor, you can edit properties for any of your targets.

How to Edit a Target

  1. In the Project Organizer, expand the Targets folder and double-click the target that you want to edit.
  2. You can use the toolbar and tabs in the Target Editor to perform various tasks, depending on the output type associated with the target (i.e., some tasks can be performed only in certain targets).

    For details about the options in each tab, click the topic link below.


    • Build (Generate) Output You can use the Target Editor to build that specific target, as opposed to the target designated as the primary one. See Building and Publishing a Single Target.
    • Publish Output After you build a target, you can publish the output to any destinations that you have created. See Step 5: Building and Publishing Output.
    • View Output After you generate a target, you can view the output for it. See Viewing Output.
    • Open Build Log Anytime you build a target, a build log is automatically created. By default it is stored at the root level of the output folder for that target (e.g., [project]\Output\[user name]\[target name]). However, in the Options dialog (File > Options) you can choose where your log file will be stored when you build a target. As an alternative to the default location, you can choose to place it in the Reports folder of the Project Organizer, or you can select a custom location. See Opening Build Logs.

    General Tab

    • Change Output Type Each target in your project is based on one of the output types available in Flare (Adobe PDF, Clean XHTML, DITA, Eclipse Help, EPUB, Microsoft HTML Help, HTML5, Microsoft Word, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus). You can use the Target Editor to switch the output type for a particular target. You can also add an internal comment to describe the output. See Changing the Output Type for a Target.
    • Specify Startup Topic You can specify which topic in your project is the first one that users see when they open the online output. If you have written a welcome or introduction topic, you will likely want this to be the "startup" topic in your output. See Specifying the Startup Topic in a Target.
    • Associate Primary TOC In most situations, you will have one TOC that you use for a particular output (target). In that case, you simply associate the appropriate TOC with the target. If you have multiple TOCs that you want to include in the same project or output target, the TOC that you associate with the project or target serves as the primary TOC. In your primary TOC, you have the option of creating links to the other TOC that you want to include in the output. If you do not select a TOC, Flare will use the first one in the project (if there is more than one). If you have specified a primary TOC at the project level and another at a target level, the TOC at the target will take precedence. See Associating a Primary TOC With a Target.
    • Associate Browse Sequence If you have created only one browse sequence for your project, you do not need to associate it with a target. It will display automatically after you build the target. However, if you have added more browse sequences, you need to specify which one will serve as the primary browse sequence. This is the browse sequence that will be displayed in the output. The additional browse sequences will also be displayed if you have linked to them from the primary browse sequence. You can use the Target Editor to associate a primary browse sequence with a target. See Associating a Browse Sequence With a Target.
    • Associate Primary Page Layout After you create a page layout and configure its frames and settings as necessary, you need to associate the page layout with the appropriate content. In most cases, you will probably want to associate different page layouts with various entries in your outline TOC (so that different page layouts can be used for different parts or chapters in a manual)—see Specifying Chapter and Page Layout Breaks. Otherwise, you would associate a single "primary" page layout with an entire target or project; in that case, the same page layout will be applied to all topics in that target or project. You can associate a page layout with an outline TOC entry with or without creating a chapter break at the same time. In the Target Editor, you can associate a primary page layout with a target. See Associating Primary Page Layouts With Targets.
    • Associate Branding Stylesheet When you add a new branding stylesheet, be sure to associate it as your primary branding stylesheet. If you set the stylesheet at the target level, it will have precedence on whatever is set at the project level. See Associating a Branding Stylesheet at the Target Level
    • Associate Primary Stylesheet When you want to use styles in your content, the stylesheet needs to be made available for the content in question. In Flare, you can associate regular stylesheets with individual files (see Associating Stylesheets Locally With Specific Files). However, you also have the option of using a regular stylesheet as the primary one, applying it at either the project or target level, or both. In the Target Editor, you can associate a primary stylesheet with a target. See Associating Primary Stylesheets With All Files
    • Specify Output File and Folder By default, when you build the output for a target in your project, Flare sends the output files to the Output folder where your project is located. It also uses a default name for the main entry file to the output. However, you can specify a different location and main entry file name for a target's output files. See Specifying the Output File and Folder in a Target
    • Specify Word Output Format If generating a Word target, you can choose DOCX or DOC as the output format. See Specifying the Microsoft Word Output Format
    • Convert Styles to Inline For Clean XHTML targets, you have the option to keep your stylesheet styles or to convert them to inline styles. See Converting Stylesheet Styles to Inline.
    • Get Source Control Files If you have bound your project to a source control program, you can use a setting in the Target Editor to automatically get the latest version of all files prior to generating the target. You might use this option if you are working with a team of authors and want to make sure that you include the latest changes from other writers in the output (without having to manually get those files). See Updating or Getting the Latest Version of Source Control Files
    • Disable Auto-Sync Let's say you have imported Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, or Flare files from another project, and when doing so, you selected the "Easy Sync" option to automatically reimport the files when you generate output. You can use this feature to override that Easy Sync setting for a specific target. Therefore, if you want to reimport any of the files, you will need to do so manually. You might decide to use this option, for example, if you are testing the generation of output and do not want to wait the extra time for the files to be imported. After you finish your testing, you can deselect this option to return to the automatic imports of the files. See Disabling Auto-Sync of Import Files

    Skin Tab

    • Associate Skin A skin is a file that contains information about the appearance of the output window. After you add a skin to your project and edit the settings, you can associate it with a target. When you build the target, the output will be displayed in the skin. You can also tell Flare not to use any skin at all. See Associating Skins With Targets.
    • Associate Skin Components In addition to or instead of full skins, you can use smaller skin components for features such as search, menus, and toolbars. If you add multiple skin components of the same type to your project, you can associate one with a target. See Associating Skin Components With Targets.
    • Note The Micro Content - FAQ skin component and FAQ proxy are unique in that they are applicable to non-HTML5 targets in addition to HTML5 targets (e.g., PDF, Word, Clean XHTML, Eclipse, EPUB, and HTML Help).

      The other micro content skin components (i.e., Micro Content - Knowledge, and Micro Content - Promotion) can be used for styling only HTML5 outputs.

    • Set Responsive Output For HTML5 skins, you can override the responsive output settings from the Skin Editor for Tripane skins. Top Navigation skins automatically have responsive output enabled, so you can use the fields in the Target Editor to control the widths for the different mediums. In addition, you can choose to use device width media queries, which means the output will be responsive based on the actual device rather than merely on the width of the screen. See Responsive Web Design and Responsive Skins.

    eLearning Tab

    You can generate SCORM-compliant (1.2 and 2004) and xAPI-compliant (Tin Can) zip file packages to upload to any external learning management system (LMS), or learning record store (LRS). See Editing a Target for eLearning Output.

    Conditional Text Tab

    After you create and apply condition tags to content, you need to tell Flare what your target should do with the condition tags that you have created and applied. Should content with a particular condition tag be included in or excluded from that target? You can also set conditions to display based on factory media queries (Web, Tablet, Mobile). See Associating Conditions With Targets.

    Variables Tab

    The variables that you create and define in the Variable Set Editor are available to your entire project. However, if you want the definition for a variable to be different in a particular target, you can override the project-level definition for that target in the Target Editor. See Overriding Variable Definitions in Targets.

    Publishing Tab

    • Associate Publishing Destinations A publishing destination is used to tell Flare where to send a copy of your output files. After you create a publishing destination, you need to associate it with a target that you plan to build. You can associate the same publishing destination with as many targets as you want. See Associating Destination Files With Targets.
    • Enable HTML5 Server-Based Output You can create HTML5 output in its regular state, or you can select an option in the Publishing tab of the Target Editor to enable server-based functionality. This lets you accomplish the same results as WebHelp Plus output—searching of non-XHTML content, faster server-side search, and automatic runtime merging. See Enabling HTML5 Server-Based Output.
    • Enable WebHelp Plus Output You can specify in the Target Editor the catalog that you are using for the output. In most cases, this will be Web, which is the default value. However, if you or someone in your company (e.g., network administrator) creates a custom catalog, you need to enter that name in the field. See Enabling WebHelp Plus Output.

    Glossary Tab

    If you are including one or more glossaries in your output, you need to associate them with the target. After you build the target, the glossary will be incorporated into the output and terms will be converted to links in individual topics (if you have selected one of the term conversion options in the Target Editor). See Associating Glossaries With Targets.

    Relationship Table Tab

    If you have created relationship tables in your project, you need to tell Flare which tables to use for which targets. See Associating Relationship Tables With Targets.

    Search Tab

    • Set Up Search Engines For HTML5 targets, you can choose the type of search engine you want people to use—MadCap Search, Google Search, or Elasticsearch (for Side Navigation, Top Navigation, or skinless output). There are additional steps that you can follow and features you can select, depending on the search engine you choose. For MadCap Search and Elasticsearch, you can include micro content in the output, which can especially enhance your search results. See Setting Up a Search Engine.
    • Set Search Results Options For online targets, you have a variety of options that you can enable or disable to define how search results are treated, depending on the output type. See Setting Search Results Options.
    • Set Featured Snippets Micro content that is created in a Flare project can result in custom "featured snippets" in your HTML5 output’s search results. This content is displayed above the search results, and is one of the easiest, most immediate methods to use micro content from Flare. You can use a filter to specifically determine which micro content might display as featured snippets. You can also change its view mode (Plain Text, Truncated, or Drop-Down) in your HTML5 skin. See Featured Snippets.
    • Set Knowledge Panel Micro content can be displayed in HTML5 search results in an area called the "Knowledge Panel." By default, this panel displays on the right side of the search results page. However, you can edit the skin to display it on the left side or in the middle (above the featured snippets and regular search results). You can also change its view mode (Plain Text, Truncated, or Drop-Down) in your HTML5 skin. See Knowledge Panel.
    • Generate Sitemaps For web-based targets, you can generate a sitemap when compiling your output. This helps with search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for search indexing services (i.e., spiders, crawlers, or bots) to find your output. Therefore, the entire output is indexed and search engine results are improved. See Generating Sitemaps.

    Meta Tags Tab

    You can set meta tag values and override those inherited from a meta tag set. You can also create custom meta tags at the project level. See Meta Tags, Setting and Overriding Meta Tag Values, and Creating Custom Meta Tags.

    Advanced Tab

    There many options available on the Advanced tab of the Target Editor for both online and print-based outputs.


    • Empty Alt Text You can add an empty "alt" (alternate text) attribute to images, QR codes, and equations that do not have one. The attribute is added to the output when the target is generated. See Applying Empty Alt Text to Images.


    Context-Sensitive Help

    • Associate Alias File An alias file is used to populate a header file with the information necessary for producing context-sensitive Help (CSH). If you have added more than one alias file for your project, you need to associate the appropriate alias file with the target that you plan to build. If you do not specify an alias file in a target, Flare uses the first alias file listed in the Project Organizer. See Associating an Alias File With a Target.
    • Exclude JavaScript for CSH For HTML5 targets, JavaScript files are included by default in order to make context-sensitive (CSH) calls. However, you may want to disable this option and exclude JavaScript files if you encounter any issues while running security scans against your output. See Excluding JavaScript for CSH Calls in HTML5 Output.


    • Convert Equation Formats When you build a target, equations may be converted to another format. This, however, depends on the output type of the target you are building. See Converted Output Formats for Equations.

    HTML Help

    • Display Merged Navigation If you want the merged navigation (table of contents, index, search) to be displayed in any of the CHM files, even child targets, you can enable an option on the Advanced tab of the Target Editor. However, the parent CHM must be present when you open a navigation element in a child CHM (i.e., it must be in the same folder as the child CHM). See Displaying Merged Navigation in HTML Help Child Outputs.
    • Patch Stylesheets and Image Links If you generate Microsoft HTML Help output, some topics may not look as intended when they are printed from the CHM file, due to stylesheet-related problems. You can use this feature to "patch" those problems, ensuring the printed topics will look as intended. Why would you not use this option? The only reason not to use this option is when you plan to rename the generated CHM file. If this option is enabled and you rename the CHM file, styles in the output are broken. This happens because, when the option is enabled, the file name of the CHM is hardcoded into the CHM itself. See Patching Stylesheets and Image Links for HTML Help.


    • Synchronize Navigation Elements With TOC  If you generate HTML5 output, links to the TOC (e.g., menu items, breadcrumbs, mini-TOCs) are dynamically generated when a particular topic is opened. This lets you keep these navigation elements in sync with your TOC. This is particularly important if the same topic is linked to multiple entries in your TOC; otherwise, menu items and other navigation elements might display for one instance of that topic in the TOC when another instance is preferred. For HTML5 Tripane output, navigation elements will always remain in sync with your TOC entries. However, for HTML5 Side Navigation, Top Navigation, and skinless outputs, you must enable a feature in your target to synchronize navigation elements with TOC entries. See Synchronizing Navigation Elements With TOC Entries.
    • Use ID attributes on anchor tags When you insert anchor tags (i.e., bookmarks) in your project, the name attribute is used in those locations. There is an option in the Advanced tab of the Target Editor for HTML5 to use IDs on anchor tags such as these. This option copies existing anchor name attributes to ID attributes. See Using ID Attributes on Anchor Tags.


    • Auto-Size Image Objects If you have inserted MadCap Capture images that contain objects with text, you can auto-size those objects when the output is generated. This is done by selecting an option in the Advanced tab of the Target Editor. The original image file and its associated properties (PROPS) file remain unchanged. Only the output image is affected. See Auto-Sizing Capture Image Objects to Fit Text.
    • Generate Web-Safe Images If you have used non–web-safe image formats (e.g., WMF, EMF, BMP, TIF, TIFF) in your project, you can convert those images to web-safe formats (e.g., GIF, JPEG, PNG) when you generate online output ( HTML5, Clean XHTML, Eclipse Help, Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus). For print-based output types, the original image file formats will be used when you generate output. See Generating Web-Safe Images.
    • Resize Copies of Scaled Images When you use Flare's resizing features to scale images, you can specify whether you want Flare to pre-compile the resized images. You can do this for the online outputs (HTML5, Clean XHTML, Eclipse Help, Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus), as well as for Microsoft Word output. What does this mean? It means that Flare will create new copies of images wherever you have specified resizing, rather than relying on the browser to render the new size from the original. This means better quality images, but it also means more image files in the output. It is recommended that you leave the default pre-compile setting as it is (enabled). However, if you want to disable it, you can open the Target Editor, select the Advanced tab, and select Generate resized copies of scaled images to remove the check mark. (For Adobe PDF output, the resized images will always be pre-compiled, whether this option is enabled or not.) 

    Output Files and Folders

    • Convert File Names to Lowercase You can convert online output file names and folders to all lowercase letters, even if the corresponding file names and folders in the project are not all lowercase. This option is useful, for example, if you are working in a UNIX environment, which is case-sensitive. See Converting Output File Names and Folders to Lowercase.
    • Include Specifically Linked Content One way to completely exclude content from online output is to place condition tags on the topic files and include or exclude them from the targets (see Conditions). Another method is to use an option in the Target Editor to include only content files that are linked in some way. First, you include files that are directly or indirectly referenced from the target. This means that if the target is using particular files such as a table of contents (TOCs), template page, and so on, other files linked directly or indirectly from them will be part of the output. Second, you can include only files that are linked from the TOC. See Including Specifically Linked Content.
    • Omit Content Folder The Content subfolder in a project is normally used to hold all of your content files. If you do not want this subfolder to be created when you generate online output, you can omit it. When you use this option and build output, the content files will be placed at the root of the output folder instead, rather than within the Content subfolder. See Omitting the Content Folder From Output.
    • Replace Characters and Spaces If you have spaces or unusual characters in your file names or folders, you can covert these spaces and characters to underscores in the output. This feature is primarily useful for individuals working in a UNIX environment. In addition to spaces, the characters that are converted to underscores include: ()&;,!'. See Replacing Characters and Spaces With Underscores.
    • Use Custom Extensions You can use specific file extensions for topics some output types. If you do not use this feature, the output topic files will have an .htm extension. The most common alternative extensions are .html and .aspx. To use this option, click the appropriate check box on the Advanced tab of the Target Editor. Then type the file extension that you want to use in the text field. Do not type the period, but rather the characters only. See Using Custom File Extensions.


    • Set Redacted Text For each PDF document that needs to include redacted content, you can open the target. Then you can use the Advanced tab to specify how the content marked as "redacted" should be treated in the output. See Setting Redacted Text on Targets.
    • Use Empty Pages For PDF output, this check box is used in conjunction with empty page types to automatically include empty pages in the output when necessary. See Using Empty Pages.

    Salesforce® Integration

    • Include CSH ID meta tag When this option is enabled, the topics in the generated output will include the identifiers from the linked alias file as meta tag content. This option is required when Use CSH identifiers is selected in the URL Naming field of the Salesforce® Destination Editor. See Salesforce® Publishing and Creating Destination Files for Salesforce®.
    • Include TOC path meta tag When this option is enabled, the topics in the generated output will include the TOC path as meta tag content. This option is required when one of the TOC mapping options is selected in the Category Mapping field of the Salesforce® Destination Editor. See Salesforce® Publishing and Creating Destination Files for Salesforce®.


    • Associate Stylesheet Medium A medium is an alternative group of settings in a stylesheet and can be very useful when you are generating multiple kinds of outputs. Unless you tell Flare otherwise, default style settings will be used for the different outputs you generate. But there may be times when you want to override a default style setting for a particular output; that's why you would use a medium. You need to explicitly tell Flare which medium you want a particular target to use. This is done from the Advanced tab of the Stylesheet Editor. You can use the Target Editor to associate a medium with a particular target. See Associating a Medium With a Target.
    • Remove MadCap Styles Due to an issue with Google Chrome, content within the body of topics inherits the hover color of MadCap styles (e.g., MadCap|xref:hover). To prevent this situation, Flare will automatically add a @namespace rule at the beginning of the CSS files in your output. However, you can select an option in the Target Editor for web-based outputs if you do not want this rule to be added to your stylesheets. See Removing MadCap Styles.

    Template Pages

    • Associate If you want a template page to be applied to all topics in the output, you would associate that template page with the target that you are building. This is useful, for example, if you want to create breadcrumbs, a mini-TOC, header content, or footer content for your online outputs (e.g., HTML5, Eclipse Help, Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus). See Associating Template Pages With Targets.

    Other Options for Online Output

    • Add DOCTYPE Declaration You can add the DOCTYPE declaration to topic files when you generate online output. This allows browsers to render the topics in strict mode. If you do not select this option, generated topics will not have this declaration and will be rendered by browsers in quirks mode. Quirks mode and strict mode have to do with the evolution of web browsers and the rules they use to interpret styles in cascading stylesheets (CSS). Quirks mode follows the old rules, and strict mode follows the new rules. If you are not concerned about which mode is used for your online output, you do not need to add the DOCTYPE declaration to topics. However, if you want to ensure that your output is interpreted and displayed using the newer strict mode, you should use this option. See Adding the DOCTYPE Declaration to Generated Topics.
    • Add Mark of the Web Mark of the Web (MOTW) is a comment added to the HTML markup for a web page. When users open the web page from their local machine, the browser references this comment to determine the security zone in which it should run the page. This means you can deliver output without your online Help initially being blocked on the user's machine with a security message. See Adding Mark of the Web.
    • Add Metadata to <Head> Tag For online outputs, you can add custom metadata in the Advanced tab of the Target Editor. This markup is added between the <head> and </head> tags in your content when you generate output. As an alternative, you can use Flare's meta tag feature (see Meta Tags), which lets you set meta tags on more files than just targets. The difference is that this option in the Target Editor lets you add more than just meta tags to your <head> tag. See Adding Metadata to the <Head> Tag.
    • Associate Search Filter Set A filter can be included in the search feature to let users narrow their search based on "concepts" that you have inserted into topics. Concepts are simply markers that you insert into topics that have some kind of relationship with each other. After you add a search filter set, you need to associate it with the target that you want to build. See Associating a Search Filter Set With a Target.
    • Generate All Skins An option on the Advanced tab of the Target Editor controls whether every skin in the project or just the selected skin in the target (which is set on the Skin tab for HTML5 targets and the General tab for other targets) will be generated for the output. This option is enabled by default. One reason to keep this option enabled is if you need the ability to make context-sensitive Help (CSH) calls to different skins. In this case, each of those skins must be generated so that they are available in the output for the CSH calls. If you are not using multiple skins for CSH calls, you might want to disable this option. If you disable it, the size of the entire output will be minimized because unnecessary skins will be excluded. Another reason to enable this option is to use runtime skins for HTML5 outputs, where end users are able to choose the skin to display the output. See Setting All Skins to Be Generated.
    • Prevent External URLs In Flare's web targets, you can prevent people from loading an external website in the topic pane by appending a foreign URL at the end of your output's URL. You might use this feature to prevent someone from appending a malicious website to the end of your normal URL. See Preventing External URLs.

    Other Options for Print-Based Output

    • Collapse Top Margins You can collapse the top margin for all elements occurring at the top of a new page or column. See Collapsing Top Margins.
    • Convert Online Features Some online features in your project are automatically handled in one way or another when you produce printed output. However, there are some features (expanding text and popup effects) where you can specify how you would like them to be treated in the printed output. See Specifying How Online Features are Converted in Printed Output.
    • Create Headings for Unlinked Books You can select an option to create headings in a generated TOC for books that are not linked in your outline TOC. See Creating Headings for Unlinked Books in a Generated TOC.
    • Determine Heading Levels You can select an option ("Use TOC depth for heading levels") to base the heading levels of your generated TOC on the structure of the outline TOC. When you generate print-based output with a topic containing a TOC proxy, a TOC is generated and included in the output. Unless you specify otherwise, the levels of the headings in the generated TOC are based on the h1 through h6 styles in your project (or other styles where you've entered a value for the mc-heading-level property). However, this option lets you use an alternative method, basing the generated TOC on the exact structure that you create in the "outline TOC." See Editing Heading Levels for a Print TOC.
    • Preserve Tracked Changes If you have tracked changes in Flare, you can preserve the changes so they are visible when you generate PDF or Word output. See Preserving Tracked Changes in PDF or Word Output.
    • Remove Images You can select an option to remove images from a generated TOC if you have inserted them into the headings in your topics. See Removing Images From Headings in a Generated TOC.
    • Show Correct Answers for eLearning Questions If you have included eLearning question sections in your topics, you can determine whether you want the correct answers to be shown or hidden in the output. This might be useful when creating teacher and student versions of a print-based eLearning course. See Learning and Development and PDF Output for a Course.
    • Split Output Into Multiple Documents If you are generating PDF or PowerPoint output, you can split the generated output into multiple documents, rather than using the default, which results in only one document. To create multiple documents, you must also specify chapter breaks at the appropriate places in the TOC (not the TOC that displays in the output, but in the "outline TOC" used to determine the printed manual content and structure). This can be done on the Printed Output tab of the TOC Properties dialog. By specifying chapter breaks, you are letting Flare know where you want to split the output into new documents. Then in the Advanced tab of the Target Editor, select the "Generate documents for each chapter" option.

    Performance Tab

    You can improve the processing performance of your online output in several ways. See Improving the Processing Performance of the Target.

    Build Events Tab

    You can use the Target Editor to create pre- and post-build events. This lets you run command line events before or after the target is generated. See Creating Pre- and Post-Build Events.

    Analytics Tab

    • Central (Recommended)If you have a MadCap Central license, you can view analytics on published Flare HTML5 output. This includes search phrases used, search phrases with no results, topics viewed, context-sensitive Help calls, and demographic statistics (browsers and operating systems). See Central Analytics.
    • Pulse To integrate Pulse with your Flare output, you need to enable the Pulse functionality in a Flare target. You also need to create or select a community for the target. A community is simply the entity for a collection of Pulse data. You can perform these tasks on the Analytics tab in the Target Editor. See Integrating Flare and Pulse and MadCap Pulse.

    Language Tab

    You need to tell Flare which language you are working with so that it knows which skin to use in the output. This can be done when you are first creating the project or later by using the Project Properties option. You can also override the project language and set it for the individual targets or topics. If out want to create a multilingual target output, you can select multiple languages and link Lingo projects or additional Flare projects to your current (parent) project. The generated output will include each selected language. In addition, if you set a right-to-left (RTL) language on the target, there are multiple options selected by default. These options are used to automatically invert language-related style rules locally or in the stylesheet, as well as to invert image callouts and page layout settings. See How to Select Languages for a Target.

    Eclipse Options Tab

    If you are sending output to the Eclipse Help format, you can access Eclipse options in the Target Editor. This includes plug-in and viewing options. See Specifying Eclipse Options.

    EPUB Options Tab

    If you are sending output to EPUB, you can access EPUB options in the Target Editor. These options let you provide metadata, select a cover image, validate output, generate MOBI output, enable MathML to PNG conversion, embed fonts, and enable dynamic content. See Specifying EPUB Options.

    MS Word Options Tab

    If you are sending output directly to Microsoft Word, you can access Word options in the Target Editor. These options let you specify the way that document properties and other settings are handled in the output. See Specifying Word Options.

    PDF Options Tab

    If you are sending output directly to Adobe PDF, you can access PDF options in the Target Editor. These options let you specify the way that images, document properties, PDF tagging, and the initial view are handled in the output. See Specifying PDF Options.


    If you are sending output directly to Microsoft PowerPoint, you can access PowerPoint options in the Target Editor. These options let you specify the way document properties and other settings are handled in the output. See How to Edit PowerPoint Options.

    Warnings Tab

    You can indicate whether you want to receive compiler warnings when your output fails to include information that makes it accessible. By default the warnings are set to be enabled, but you can set any of them to be ignored if you want. See Accessibility and Ignoring Warnings When Building Output.

  3. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note For information about editing batch targets, see Building Output Using a Batch Target.