Multilingual Projects

A multilingual project is a Lingo project that includes more than one target language. Lingo lets you add as many languages as you like to your projects, and you can add or remove them at any time. A great benefit to multilingual projects is that you can add all the languages you need to translate to a single project. This makes it easier for a translator to translate content in multiple languages, and it makes it easier for a content developer to send files for translation or review.

How to Create a Multilingual Project

When you create a new project in Lingo, you can select multiple target languages in the Start New Project Wizard. See Creating Projects.

  1. In the Source Language drop-down, select the original language that is used in the project you are translating. Make sure this language matches the source exactly. For example, you might select English (en) here, but the source files are actually in the English United States (en-us) language. Therefore, you should instead select English United States in this field.
  2. In the Target Languages grid, select the language(s) that you want to use for the translation and click to move it to the Selected Languages grid. If you need to remove a language from the Selected Languages grid, click .

    Selecting a target language also accomplishes the following:

    • Spell Check This affects the language that is used for spell checking. If you are working with a multilingual project, the language of the file is used for spell checking.
    • Find and Replace If you are working with a multilingual project, the active target language in the Project Properties dialog (File > Project Properties) is used for find and replace.


    If your project needs to be translated into French, Italian, and Spanish, select these three languages from the Target Languages grid, then click .

Where Can I Use Multilingual Features In Lingo?

In addition to creating new projects using multiple languages, you can also find options to switch between languages in the following areas in Lingo:

  • Batch Image Replacement Localize images in your project by replacing the source images with images specific to each language. See Batch Replacing Images.
  • Bundles Send files in a specific language or in all languages for translation. See Preparing Translation Bundles.
  • Compute Statistics Calculate statistics to see how many segments are translated for a specific language, or for all languages. See Computing Statistics.
  • Export Finished Translation Export the final translation for any language to Flare or to a ZIP file. See Exporting Translated Projects.
  • File List Window Pane Click the drop-down in this window to select the active language for multilingual projects. See File List Window Pane.
  • Font Mapping Locate fonts used in each file and replace them with fonts that are supported for each target language. See Mapping Fonts.
  • Index and Glossary Sort Orders Create a custom sort order for your index or glossary. See Sorting Indexes and Glossaries.
  • Project Properties Dialog Add or remove languages in the project at any time, and set the active language for the project. The active language determines the default language settings for your projects, such as the current translation language. See Project Properties Dialog.
  • QA Reports Run quality assurance reports for files in a specific language, or run reports on all files. See Running Quality Assurance Reports.
  • Reviews Send files in a specific language or in all languages for review. See Sending Translated Content for Review.
  • Thesaurus The Thesaurus window pane displays on the right side of the interface and lets you look up and use related words in an open file. At the bottom of the window pane, you can switch between languages. See Thesaurus.