Analysis Ribbon

Various options are available in the Analysis ribbon for analyzing your project. Open the full topic for more details.



Opens the Analysis window pane, which is the primary window pane used for analysis in your project. This window pane displays a list of current issues in the project being analyzed. See Analysis Summary Window Pane and Viewing Current Issues.

Opens a submenu, which lets you select window panes that show information about links in your project.

  • Broken Links Opens the Broken Links window pane. You can view a list of files in your project where a broken link is located, including which file it is trying to find, the link text, the link tag, and other information. Also, you can open the file where the broken link is located. The broken link is highlighted so that you can easily fix it. See Viewing Broken Links.
  • Broken Bookmarks Opens the Broken Bookmarks window pane. You can view a list of files with broken bookmarks, including the bookmark destination that the link is trying to find, the link text, the link tag, and other information. Also, you can open the file where the broken link is located so that you can fix it. See Viewing Broken Bookmarks.
  • External Links Opens the External Links window pane. You can view a list of files in your Flare project containing links to external files. For example, if you have a text hyperlink to a website, the file name where the link exists is displayed. By clicking the "Check" button, you can verify that all external links point to valid destinations. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open. This lets you fix any problems with external links. See Viewing External Links.
  • Absolute Links Opens the Absolute Links window pane. You can view a list of files in your Flare project containing absolute links to other files. An absolute link contains the full path to the target file. For example, let's say you have a text hyperlink that points to a file in your project like this: file://C:\MyProject\Content\MyFile.htm. (You can view this link format in the file's true code, which can be seen by using the Internal Text Editor in the source Flare project.) Because users do not have access to your local C: drive, they will not be able to use the link successfully in the output. Instead, the link should be relative to the file in your project, with dots and slashes that represent each folder level away from the current file (e.g., ..\..\MyFile.htm). You do not need to create this path manually; instead, it is automatically created when you properly insert a link by using the interface. The Absolute Links window pane lets you find absolute links so that you turn them into relative links (by re-inserting the link). You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open. The link is highlighted so that you can easily fix it. See Viewing Absolute Links.

  • Named Destinations Opens the Named Destinations window pane, which displays files in your project containing named destinations for PDF output. See Viewing Named Destinations.
  • Index Keyword Links Opens the Index Keyword Links window pane. You can view a list of all index keywords used in index links throughout your project. You can also quickly rename index keywords associated with the links. See Viewing Index Keyword Links.
  • Concept Links Opens the Concept Links window pane. You can view a list of all concepts that have been used in concept links throughout your project. You can also quickly rename concepts associated with the links. See Viewing Concepts in Links.

Opens a submenu, which lets you open window panes that display suggestions for improving your project.

  • Index Keyword Suggestions Opens the Index Keyword suggestions pane. You can view a list of topics containing text that matches existing index keywords in your project. You can then quickly add the same index keywords to those topics. See Viewing Index Keyword Suggestions.
  • Snippet Suggestions Opens the Snippet Suggestions window pane. You can view content that matches existing snippets in your project, and you can quickly convert these occurrences to snippets. You can also double-click a row to open the topic in question, with the potential snippet content highlighted. See Viewing Snippet Suggestions.
  • Variable Suggestions Opens the Variable Suggestions window pane. You can view regular text that matches existing variables in your project, and then quickly convert these occurrences to variables. You can also double-click a row to open the topic in question, with the potential variable text highlighted. See Viewing Variable Suggestions.
  • New Style Suggestions Opens the New Style Suggestions window pane. You can view the places in a project containing local formatting. The analysis tool suggests that you convert these instances to new styles. You can use the Create New Style dialog to do just that. You can also double-click a row to open the file where the formatted content exists.See Viewing New Style Suggestions.
  • Replace Local Style Suggestions Opens the Replace Local Style Suggestions window pane. You can view the places in your project where you have used local formatting. The analysis tool suggests that you replace these instances of formatting with existing styles in your stylesheet that match the formatting that you have applied manually. This is different from a new style suggestion in the following way: With a new style suggestion, the properties in the tag do not match an existing style exactly; therefore, the analysis suggests that you create a new style. On the other hand, if you make formatting changes that happen to result in an exact match to all of the properties in an existing style, the analysis suggests that you replace the formatting with that style (rather than creating a new style). See Viewing Local Style Suggestions.

  • Accessibility Suggestions Opens the Accessibility Suggestions window pane, where you can search for places in your project where you can make accessibility improvements for web-based and PDF outputs in Flare. That way, you can make sure your documentation can be accessed by people with disabilities (i.e., individuals who have visual, hearing, and mobility impairments). This includes the ability to identify tables that are missing certain elements and finding objects—such as images, equations, and QR codes—that are missing alternate text. You can click the "Search Properties" button to customize which types of issues to display in the window pane. You can double-click a row to open the topic or other file. You can also right-click on the row and select Open. See Viewing Accessibility Suggestions.
  • Markup Suggestions Opens the Markup Suggestions window pane, where you can search for places in your project where the XHTML markup (code) can be improved (e.g., empty tags, CDATA tags, empty attributes, excessive spaces). You can click the "Apply" button to automatically apply the suggestions to the selected files. You can click the "Search Properties" button to customize which types of issues to display in the window pane. You can double-click a row to open the topic or other file in Flare. You can also right-click on the row and select Open. See Viewing and Applying Markup Suggestions.
  • Cross-Reference Suggestions Opens the Cross-Reference Suggestions window pane, where you can search for hyperlinks in your project that can be converted to cross-references. You can double-click a row to open the file and proceed to convert the hyperlink into a cross-reference. See Viewing Cross-Reference Suggestions.
  • Writing Suggestions Opens the Writing Suggestions window pane. You can view places in your project where you can make writing improvements based on industry-wide standards. For example, the analysis tool can locate files where an h1 or h2 heading has only one subheading (i.e., an h1 heading with only one h2 heading under it, or an h2 heading with only one h3 heading under it). It is recommended that you have more than one subheading under a parent heading. Therefore, occurrences such as these are raised as concerns. The analysis tool can also locate files where a heading level has been skipped (e.g., an h1 heading is followed by an h3 heading, rather than h2), as well as any files where consecutive headings exist (e.g., an h1 heading is followed by an h2 heading, with no other content between them). You can use the Writing Suggestions Search Properties dialog to customize which types of suggestions to display in the window pane. See Viewing Writing Suggestions.
  • Frequent Segments Opens the Frequent Segments window pane, which lets you view a list of segments that occur frequently in your project. You can see the text, the number of occurrences of each segment, and the number of words and characters in each segment. If you notice that certain segments are repeated numerous times throughout your project, you can easily convert them to snippets or variables. For an example, see Frequent Segments. Also see Viewing Frequent Segments.
  • Similar Segments Opens the Similar Segments window pane. You can view a list of segments of text in your project that are similar, but not identical, to each other. You may want to modify similar segments so that they become identical to each other, or even convert them to snippets. You can also use the "Start Search" button to limit or expand the list of similar segments that are displayed. See Viewing Similar Segments.

Opens a submenu, which lets you open window panes showing information related to undefined elements in your project. These undefined elements include glossary term links, undefined variables, condition tags, file tags, and styles.

  • Undefined Glossary Term Links Opens the Undefined Glossary Term Links window pane. You can view a list of files where glossary term links are inserted, but those glossary terms do not appear in any of your glossary files. This might occur, for example, if you have created a new term in a glossary and then inserted that term into a topic as a glossary term link. Later, you remove that term from the glossary. You now have a glossary term link in a topic, but the term no longer exists in the glossary. Therefore, a problem exists. You need to either remove the glossary term link from the content, or you need to add the term to the glossary again. From the Undefined Glossary Term Links window pane, you can quickly unbind or rename multiple glossary term link occurrences in a single batch, add a new glossary term, or map the undefined term to an existing glossary term. See Viewing Undefined Glossary Term Links.
  • Undefined Variables Opens the Undefined Variables window pane. You can view a list of all files where you have variables inserted in the content, but those variables have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have inserted a variable in a topic and then later change the name of the variable or variable set. The old variable or set name is still used at the location where it was previously inserted in the topic; therefore, a problem exists. From the Undefined Variables window pane, you can open the topic in question and fix the undefined variable. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple variables in a single batch, add the undefined variable to the project, or map the undefined variable to an existing variable. See Viewing Undefined Variables.
  • Undefined Condition Tags Opens the Undefined Condition Tags window pane. You can view a list of all files where you have condition tags in the content, but those condition tags have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have applied a condition tag in a topic and then later change the name of the tag or condition tag set. The old tag or set name is still used at the location where it was previously applied in the topic. Therefore, a problem exists. From the Undefined Condition Tags window pane, you can open the file in question and fix the undefined condition tag. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple condition tag occurrences in a single batch, add the undefined tag to the project, or map the undefined tag to an existing condition tag. See Viewing Undefined Conditions.
  • Undefined File Tags Opens the Undefined File Tags window pane. You can view a list of all files that are associated with file tags, but those file tags have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have associated a file tag with a topic and then later change the name of the tag or file tag set. The old tag or set name is still used for the topic. Therefore, a problem exists. From the Undefined File Tags window pane, you can open the file in question and fix the undefined tag. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple file tag occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Undefined File Tags.
  • Undefined Styles Opens the Undefined Styles window pane. You can view a list of all files where you have style classes applied to content, but those styles have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have created a new style class and applied it to a paragraph in a topic. Later, you remove that style class from the stylesheet. Therefore, you now have a style in a topic that is no longer defined in the stylesheet. You need to either apply a different, existing style class to that content, or you need to add the style class to the stylesheet again. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple style occurrences in a single batch, add the undefined style to the project, or map the undefined style to an existing style. See Viewing Undefined Styles.
  • Undefined Meta Tags Opens the Undefined Meta Tags window pane. You can view a list of all files with meta tags applied to them, but those meta tags have not been defined. This might occur, for example, if you have applied a meta tag to a file and then later change the name of the tag or meta tag set in the Text Editor. See Viewing Undefined Meta Tags.

Opens a submenu, which lets you open window panes showing information related to used elements in your project. This includes condition tags, file tags, language tags, variables, index keywords, concepts, and bookmarks.

  • Used Condition Tags You can view a list of all condition tags that have been applied in files throughout your project. The list shows not only the condition tags, but each file where they have been used. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple condition tag occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Used Conditions.
  • Used File Tags You can view a list of all file tags used in your project. The list shows the tag type and the file that it is associated with. You can quickly rename or remove multiple file tag occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Used File Tags.
  • Used Language Tags You can view a list showing each file where a language tag is found, the content tag to which it has been applied (e.g., html, span), and the language used. See Viewing Used Language Tags.
  • Used Variables You can view a list of variables that have been inserted in your project. The list shows not only the variables, but each topic where they have been used. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple variable occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Used Variables.
  • Used Index Keywords You can view a list of all index keywords used throughout your project. You can also quickly rename multiple keyword occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Used Index Keywords.
  • Used Concepts You can view a list of all concepts used in your project. You can also quickly rename multiple concept occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing Used Concepts.
  • Used Bookmarks You can view a list showing each file where a link to a bookmark is found, including the name of the bookmark, the kind of link used, and the path of the link. You can also double-click a row to open the file where the bookmark link is inserted. See Viewing Used Bookmark Links.
  • Used Meta Tags You can view a list of all meta tags that have been applied to files throughout your project. The list shows not only the meta tags, but each file where they have been used, and the values (i.e., content) of each. You can also quickly rename or remove multiple meta tag occurrences in a single batch. See Viewing and Renaming Used Meta Tags.

Opens a submenu, which lets you open additional window panes for additional analysis of your Flare project.

  • Files With Annotations Opens the Files With Annotations window. You can view a list of all files where annotations (internal comments) have been inserted. You can also double-click a row to open the topic in question. See Viewing Files With Annotations.
  • Files With Changes Opens the Files with Changes window pane where you can view all topics in your project that contain tracked changes. You can either double-click on the specific row, or right-click on the row and select Open. See Viewing Files With Changes.
  • Topics Not In Index Opens the Topics Not in Index window pane. You can view a list of all topics where you have not yet inserted index keywords. Therefore, no references to those topics will be found in the generated index. You can also double-click a row to open the topic in question. See Viewing Topics Not Indexed.
  • Topics Not In Selected TOC Opens the Topics Not in Selected TOC window pane. You can view a list of all topics that have been created in the project, but they have not yet been linked to any items in a TOC. A drop-down filter lets you select a specific TOC to analyze, or you can select "Any TOC" to analyze all TOCs in a project. See Viewing Topics Not in a TOC.
  • Topics Not Linked by Map ID Opens the Topics Not Linked By Map ID window pane. You can view a list of all topics that are not linked to context-sensitive Help (CSH) map IDs. You can also double-click a row to open the topic in question. See Viewing Topics Not Linked by a Map ID.
  • Duplicate TOC Items Opens the Duplicate TOC Items window pane, which lets you view a list of all files in your project that have been added more than once to a table of contents. See Viewing Duplicate Items in a TOC.
  • Duplicate Style Formats Opens the Duplicate Styles window pane. You can view a list of all styles in your project where the same properties have been set. For example, let's say you have a style called "p.tip" and another style called "p.note." If you have specified the same settings for each of these styles (e.g., red font, 12 pt), with no other properties set, these styles will be included in the Duplicate Styles window pane. Groups or pairs of duplicate styles are displayed in alternating shaded rows (e.g., the rows for the first pair of duplicate styles are not shaded, the rows for the next group are shaded, the rows for the next group are not shaded, and so on). If you encounter duplicate styles, you may want to modify the settings for one or both styles, or you can remove one of the style classes from the stylesheet. See Viewing Duplicate Styles.

    Note Duplicate styles are displayed only if they are based on the same tag. For example, if you have identical properties set for the styles "p.tip" and "p.note," they will be included in the window pane (because they are both based on the p style). However, if you have identical properties set for the styles "p.tip" and "h4.note," they will not be included in the window pane (because one is based on the p style, whereas the other is based on the h4 style).

  • Duplicate Meta Tags Opens the Duplicate Meta Tags window pane. You can view a list of all meta tags that have been applied to files throughout your project and whose values are defined two or more times in the same file. However, the same meta tag name is allowed in different meta tag sets. See Viewing Duplicate Meta Tags.
  • Unused Items Opens the Unused Items window pane, which lets you view lists of unused elements in your project. See Unused Items Window Pane, Viewing Unused Conditions, Viewing Unused Content Files, Viewing Unused CSH IDs, Viewing Unused File Tags, Viewing Unused Images, Viewing Topics Not Linked,Viewing Unused StylesViewing Empty Content Folders, Viewing Unused Variables, and Viewing Unused Bookmarks, and Viewing Unused Meta Tags.
  • Non-XML Topics Opens the Non-XML Topics window pane. You can view a list of non-XML files (e.g., HTML files) that have been added to your project. You can also convert those HTML files to XHTML files in a single batch. See Viewing Non-XML Topics.
  • Files With Snippet Conditions Opens the Files with Snippet Conditions window pane. You can view a list of all files where snippet conditions have been applied. You can also double-click a row to open the file in question. See Viewing Files With Snippet Conditions.
  • Files Without File Tags Opens the Files Without File Tags window pane. You can view a list of all content files in the project that do not have file tags. Then you can open the properties for a file and associate one or more file tags with it. See Viewing Files Without File Tags.
  • Topics Without Concepts Opens the Topics Without Concepts window pane. You can view a list of all topics in the project that do not have concepts inserted. You can then open a topic and insert concepts into it. See Viewing Topics Without Concepts.
  • Invalid Meta Values Opens the Invalid Meta Values window pane. You can view a list of all files containing meta tags that have invalid values. For example, an invalid meta tag might occur if you remove a meta tag's list item from the meta tag set file. In a case such as this, you can resolve the issue by adding the list item back to the meta tag set, or re-associating the files with a different value. See Viewing Invalid Meta Values.

Opens the File Issues Viewer, where you can see any issues associated with selected files. You can use the File List window pane (see File List Window Pane) to quickly add many files to this Viewer, or you can add files one at a time from within the user interface. See Viewing Issues for Specific Files.